- Up to $12/1000 downloads or views

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[TABLE="class: Tbl1"]
[TD="bgcolor: #e9f0ff"]2014-02-18[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #e9f0ff"]$5.02[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #e9f0ff"]pending[/TD]

Buddy please do not use such these offensive words about King, all of us have received our payments just in time, be patient, he always pays, if he doesn't just tell me, I will pay you :)
I trust him as much as I never request less than $50, I'm planning to increase my minimal payout request even to $100 :)
We are not scam, we are just waiting for Payza funds to process all outstanding payments.
If we won't receive funds until tomorrow we will use a private exchanger to fund our account.
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date.
A moment I got panic as I still have seven outstanding payout requests. But I trust you ;)
i received my payment always on time but this time they only delayed payments for 3.4 days.but they are not scam for sure.long live kingfiles happy working with them :p
Hi !

I've request a payment from paypal
[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
I'm still waiting for this payment.
As i see, payment paypal is closed then can you refund my sum to my account balance, is it possible ?
i received my payment always on time but this time they only delayed payments for 3.4 days.but they are not scam for sure.long live kingfiles happy working with them :p

02/18/2014 $ 5.02 PENDING


Hi !

I've request a payment from paypal
[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
I'm still waiting for this payment.
As i see, payment paypal is closed then can you refund my sum to my account balance, is it possible ?

Do not bother you will not pay.
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if you have webmoney, use that, kingfiles pay in it, otherwise leave this filehost and work on other filehost which pay with paypal.
don't worry, your paypal account will be limited soon due to the affilate account paypal used by filehost, use it on your own risk

But this is not a place to tell whether this is shit host or other, you're not ready to be patient then this is not a place for guys like you, move on other filehosts, may be that guys satisfy you with poor PPD rate, then you guys complain on rate, because you guys always complain filehosr, and don't accept what they're able to do with best.

also filehost without paypal is not always scam, better cry on other thread please.

hmm.. i think you don't know other words than sca* .
still now i am getting payout correctly with 5 or 6 working days (don't count saturday and sunday), may be you're weak in maths, tell your friends to count the days, don't forgot to leave that saturday and sunday.

if you have webmoney, then use it.

they already stated clearly, they have issue with paypal and payza, if you have webmoney means, use it, otherwise close your mouth (as well your Ass) and wait patiently they will pay.
I think they're shaving pretty much. using it since a few days on high traffic sites get around 300+ dls per file and no fkin cent (lul) was earnt that day ..
@ kingfiles

although u paid me several times before

i lost my patience

may i know when u solve payza issue ??

firstly u have pp problem and now solution arrived yet almost many many days

my payment pending for almost 40 days now... so as ur problem

whether u solve payza by this week or not

need ur reply
After trying to contact Kingfiles via e-mail for the last 2 days, I finally decided to post my issue here, as at least people can see what has happened:

I have been using Kingfiles for 2 months now, having more than 5TB files on there and even bought a premium account, in order to have my files not deleted.

After logging in today, all the files in my account are gone, from 1000+ Downloads a day, I instantly went to 0.

I would like an explanation for this, why would you delete all the files from a paying premium account?
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