- Up to $12/1000 downloads or views

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This file host is having some bug. Otherwise seems like a good host. Now I am getting this while trying to download a file

This site can’t be reached

[FONT=&amp] took too long to respond.

I have informed this kind of problems several times to the [/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]KingFiles But seems like he is not care. unprofessional = extinction [/FONT]

bonata thanks for caring us
i already stopped using this host
professional admins are here almost 12 hours a day to answer questions
but the amateurs arent or they dont care
so it means ,this host is not trustful
i thought ,download count has a problem at first
but now i can understand what the main trouble is
thanks buddy
I forgot to mention. I can not download a single file from this host. So, I send them the same files for some of my online friends to test. They able to download same file, which I was not able to download. I am not using a VPN. So I do not no what is wrong there. I only get this from KingFiles. I can download files from other hosts with out a problem.

May be they have put restrictions to some countries. Who knows only Santa knows.

But I am still very much eager to use this host. Because it is a DVIX host like userscloud which means users can stream the file if the install the DVIX web player. These kind of hosts are hard to find.

If you guys know this kind of DVIX hosts please be kind enough to send me a PM

Thank you...

P.S We will see how this host goes. I still badly need to use them. :wave:
Still waiting :)


I will be honest, You shouldnt make promises You cant keep. This doesnt look professional, if You tell people You will do something "announce winners" or "make payments" then and then, and not keep the schedule. If You are not certain You will manage to do it at the time, just specify different date/time. It will be better if people see You are a man of Your words, instead of delaying Your promises day after day. Its Holidays, end of year, I get it. Be reasonable then, take that under the consideration, and tell the date that You will keep. Thats all. Cheers
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Holiday, Today, tomorrow, next week, next month :facepalm:

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
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[TD="colspan: 4, align: center"]Payments history[/TD]
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[TD="align: center"]Date[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Amount[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Status[/TD]
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next button

When will be Next button issue on My Files page solved ? Or let us set the number of files on the list ? It's really annoying ...
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