- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

please disable recommended videos
if that videos related to his uploaded videos(files from his filemanager) no problem
but recommended video shows other user videos it will effect on sales
sales are getting worst
Last edited:
I agree please disable recommended videos
if that videos related to my uploaded videos(files from my filemanager) no problem
but recommended video shows other user videos it will effect on sales...
Also sales are getting worst and worst eveyday
I would like to try to receive payment via bitcoin, but I neve really did it.
I always use webmoney, where it very easy and I can request what I want.
I just started using electrum for bitcoin and tried the bitcoin request on moneyplatform the same way as I do with webmoney (I have more than 100 dolars available balance)
But instead of writing how much money do I get to take, it just appears as new bitcoin request for payment and no amount.
What am I doing wrong and how actually does bitcoin payment via moneyplatform works?
Thank you for your help :)

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