- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

Man if they are copying your contents let it be as it is right ?
because they also want to earn money we cannot deny that they also looking for money what they know they are doing that much work onc they will be older better and faster they will do like you or like professional uploaders.
So dont complain about that if your contents good if you have good websites acces if you do according to plan all the work trust me you can earn
you working with whome ? i dont know that :) who teach u who tell u i dont know what i know i m sharing my experiance
i can make sure one thing if person work according to me he or she cannot say we are not happy with uploading i know how to do smartwork you should be brave as well as smart dont give up dont be looser think good make large because your future is fortune if you believe in your self
if you like you can work with me if you like u can talk me i will tell you but dont say keep2share is not good or any best filehost.
takecare thanks .
time by copying other people work

sometimes i get baffled how stupid some pirates are, here we are, every single one of us are sharing content we didn't produce, yet this guy is blaming someone else for stealing "his content and work" to earn more on a filehost

jesus christ, be happy you can earn a fucking dollar uploading! back in the day we fileshared for free. i feel blessed everyday i can share and get paid doing so, it's not going to last forever. is ofline...

Added after 26 minutes: is back after 30 min
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I don't complain here every day and don't visit this pages always but this is the first time that sales drops in this way in all this years that I worked with k2s.
You keep say all ok for you, maybe you are right sales are the same for k2s just the problem is sales are not ok for us at all.
sales is drops about 60-70 % since 16 Mar 2017 and no explain from you until now , even affiliate manager can't give me answer.
I would like know if sales in total are the same like 15 Feb - 15 Mar .
hope someone can come here and explain why ? why my traffic is increase but sales is drops 70 % ?
I don't complain here every day and don't visit this pages always but this is the first time that sales drops in this way in all this years that I worked with k2s.
You keep say all ok for you, maybe you are right sales are the same for k2s just the problem is sales are not ok for us at all.
sales is drops about 60-70 % since 16 Mar 2017 and no explain from you until now , even affiliate manager can't give me answer.
I would like know if sales in total are the same like 15 Feb - 15 Mar .
hope someone can come here and explain why ? why my traffic is increase but sales is drops 70 % ?

yes sales are dropped after march 15th but not massive drop irregular sales mostly all of them are 1 month sales (like one day 0 second day 0 third day 2sales in this way)
this month also started with same note very low sales good rebills (sply 3months rebills)
i agree after arrival of sales was dropped
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I've noticed strange redirects sometimes with the new https which may lead to lost referral , cannot confirm cause untested. My hope is that once k2s flips the switch to force https there will be no more issues.

That being said i've seen a slight decrease in sales, but nothing extreme. You also have to understand that in december there was a +1 month extra promo for 3 month sales, i mostly get 3 month sales so in my case it's natural that i see a decrease in sales this month cause the regular who subscribe on a 3month basies wont have to resubscribe until the next month due to the +1 month extra promo.
Same Here :(

I don't complain here every day and don't visit this pages always but this is the first time that sales drops in this way in all this years that I worked with k2s.
You keep say all ok for you, maybe you are right sales are the same for k2s just the problem is sales are not ok for us at all.
sales is drops about 60-70 % since 16 Mar 2017 and no explain from you until now , even affiliate manager can't give me answer.
I would like know if sales in total are the same like 15 Feb - 15 Mar .
hope someone can come here and explain why ? why my traffic is increase but sales is drops 70 % ?

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