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Hi everyone,

I have a user that claims he got an offer while downloading in regular mode that said he could get 3 months +1 month free. I obviously never saw the payment and i am wondering if anyone else has seen this offer anywhere? I've done various tests and i cannot find this offer myself, other sites that have more traffic than mine have otther offers but nothing that would give you 1 month free with 90 days premium.

Anyone seen this offer anywhere? Thanks!
Yes same.

+ 3 Refunds from 3 months ago.

Still I can not understand why they add refunds to our accounts after deadline time of Refund Policy of K2S. I dont accept refunds which came after 10 days. You write refund policy clearly then why do you accept refunds which are requested after deadline!

Now they will come and say same things : "There is nothing to do to not lose credit card merchants. "

I dont care. Only keep your own rules and dont add refunds to our accounts after deadline time.

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