the irony is however you're arguing with zero proof that someone is stealing something while in the other hand were all pirates, are you producing the porn you're posting? nope... neither am i
if your career is build around sharing porn on the internet you should really reconsider, either this is a interest to you or a hobby, its nice to make a little extra, to some of us its a lot more then people expect. you gotta be clever though, spamming the same shit on big forums worked 4 years ago, probably not so much anymore
just like how porn has changed and no one buys dvds anymore the thing you're doing today won't work in 3 years. I have worked with k2s for a year now and i honestly have no reason to believe they cheat, if they did cheat it would be very easy to catch it, all the things you guys post about like "refunds" etc are bank problems, if a bank asks for refund they can't do anything about it, either they comply or they loose the payment processor instantly.
i don't work for k2s more than posting files on their network, i don't post to gain brownie points with k2s, if i suspect "shaving" i'll be the first to say so don't give me any foilhat conspiracy theories bullshit, have a good weekend!
Still talking about STEALING!
Open your eyes and read carefully. You are not amateur and please answer to my question, is that normal to receive only 4 rebills from 34 sales? Forget stealing, cheating, just answer. Is that normal? There is not any problem?
And for refund, I have never said that : "Fuck! Why there is a refund policy?" . I want to tell why they want our sales back from us after 2 months even there is a clear rule in refund policy. I am not responsible from any refund which has been requested after 10 days which K2S specify this time on their refund policy.
XCOLVE please tell me your rebills success rate of last 15 days. Just count montly sales + rebills 12/04/2016 - 27/04/2016 and 12/05/2016 - 27/05/2016 . Then compare and please write here success rate as % .
Other users, you can also write you success rate of rebills here.
Mine : 4 / 34 = %11