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your opinion is needed about the 3 days premium.
better to deactivate or to keep?

i did started using K2S since around 3 weeks thought minimum keeping first month the 3 days premium option as an advantage to my main host which has 1000`s of files online.
problem is that almost all premium i sold with K2S are 3 days atm + rebills are almost 0 coming from this sales.

better to deactivate not giving an cheaper option to the main host or what you think?
If user come just for few files(for example download some specific program). then better switch of it.
If you have many files which users probably like then he buy 3 day, then after 3 days he get monthly subscription.
You can do test. :)
I am always having to manually delete files because I am running out of space.

I see this message in my account.

We recommend to Remove files (file size) which were not downloaded for more then 60 days

Is there any way to do this automatically?

I know if the files haven't been downloaded in 90 days, you can delete them from your "To Be Removed" page but I would like to do the same with the "60 days" files too.
your opinion is needed about the 3 days premium.
better to deactivate or to keep?

Depends on where you post, if you post on public forums you may as well leave it on, users will see the 3 day option on other users files if they have it on and then they might avoid buying from you as they remember seeing 3 day on another link previously.

If you post on personal site only i'd leave it off.
Gilgamesh: all questions were answered already, you need to read more properly.
also can be added and methods of sale!



wmz,bitcoin and other...

so at least I'll know if I get rebill! because when I ask for rebills, get a response that premium account is purchased with WMZ!!! and can not be renewed automatically. o_o

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgbold], i will add your idea to my notebook.
what about the "track sales" feature?

Any plans for adding this?
i add this idea in my notes.

This is your OFFICAL topic and you MUST answer our questions / requests. I hope WJ moderators will warn you.
Official support topic was closed in ~July 2014.
This topic we not create. It created by moderators.
Last edited:
i add this idea in my notes.

This is your OFFICAL topic and you MUST answer our questions / requests. I hope WJ moderators will warn you.
Official support topic was closed in ~July 2014.
This topic we not create. It created by moderators.

So what you mean? Do you want to tell this? : "I dont any obligation to answer your question or your requests here because it is not my own topic. I answer only questions which I like"

And what will happen after adding ideas to your notes? What is next step?

Write your reply...