Sales are normal for me during the past week!
Jeff, if you guys are looking into new features here are some i would like to see
1. Ability for us webmaster affiliates to see the "ID" of the users who subscribed to us and bought premium, also the ability for the user himself to see his own id, that way i can keep track of who supports my work and give them something extra for it.
2. Ability to set "expire time" for files, lets say i have a folder, and i want all files in folder to expire on jan 25 2016 at 10pm CET+1, i can set this in keep2share then i can make a campaign on my site with a countdown until files expire, letting users know its now or never to download these files, should push sales extra.
3. Ability to select a folder of files and "randomly premium" % of files selected. Lets say i select a folder with 600 files in it, i wish to randomly premium a couple of files, i would like an option to have your servers figure out based on the % i input, so lets say i input 15% it would auto premium 90 random files in this folder, that would be super helpful for me
Keep it up guys, i got nothing but good things to say about you!