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WMZ Payments done.
PayPal and PerfectMoney get delay for 1-2 days (PayPal/PerfectMoney reseller wait for bank wire)

on a russian forum i saw some users said MasterCard again notify k2s for ilegal content or something is true?... All rebills are gone again i think... Jeff is in holiday :) no answer , and other supports no reply too.. about this problem very nice :)

It is fake news! (please give me to PM url of this post, i can't find it.)
All payment gates is fine. Don't worry.

Regarding 90 days rebills it is same story as was on October 2015
90 days rebills back on 28 January.
About new sales, reason why it is lower now then on before:
On Christmas - New Year holiday.. users buy lot premiums many of you can see it on your stats.
Now this users not buy it because they already have premium.. It think new sales also back.
I think on February all of will be happy ;-)

Jeff, why you didn't replay to my question ?
and you are wrong about Dec, the max sales was on Nov 2015 , In Dec sales was less and Jan less more .
so your Theory is totally wrong.
there is something wrong in sales, same download or more download number , and more traffic but less sales , less 3 month sales
until now you didn't give a valid reason, maybe the reason you started tezfile project
WMZ Payments done.
PayPal today later or tomorrow
Bank payments will be today later.
PerfectMoney get delay because our PerfectMoney re seller off now. When he back we do it also.

i have no doubt something is wrong with CC payments even last year when they blocked companies accounts i had way more sales than this.
and looks like its not going to be OK soon.
read my post

my statistics evidence of your theft
Your statistic is show how it is. We count every single click, download, sale, rebill. No more no less.
We still wait for your evidence till 25 January. You can PM me it or post it here.

how come tezfiles impact k2s ? i think tezfiles has no effect on k2s because it's separate host
it's separate host

now they want make it a big filehost and this need money
we have enough money.

Jeff, i access moneyplatform very slow, please check
was short problem in data center. now is ok.
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