We need your help to find Debrid web sites.
We know most of the debrids and we regularly check them and ban.
Very often the ones that tells that they support us, they lie to their customers (in fact they don't)
You can also help us catch them and get 10$ bonus for the first account and 5$ bonus for each next account which was caught with your help!
How to catch a debrid web site:
1. Register on the debrid web site (we recommend testing using Europe or USA IP)
2. Create a folder on moneyplatform.biz with the name: "Debrid test"
3. Upload or copy a file to that folder and do not share that link anywhere.
4. Try to download that file using debrid web site.
If you will download it, write to: with information:
1. Debrid web site.
2. URL link which you were testing.
3. Date and time (you can see the time on MoneyPlatform)
We recommend:
If the procedure was successful you can try to repeat it with a new file in ~6 hours (Usually debrid web sites have more than one account)
For each test use deferend files.
We recommend make test with bigger files.
At the beginning of our work we signed a contract with one debrid (mydownloader.net) to support one of our filehost k2s.cc, since they helped us with advertising our site.
This debris is the only one which support k2s.cc officially, all other debris is doing it illegally.