Would be great to get notified when a sale/rebill happens

like a ring or something... For that there surely needs to be an additional application....
Use this extension with chrome
1) Have it monitor
Moneyplatform.biz for changes.
2) Then go to advanced settings, check custom mode, choose
selector, and type this in
#content>table>tbody>tr>td:nth-child(1) Check the image below if it's hard to understand.
What this does is only monitor
the red part for changes, which is updated immediately when you get a sale/rebill.
So when your earning is increased/decreased due to sale/rebill/refund, you will get a notification. I use both sound and desktop notification.
There's a few false alarms though. You will also get a notification when 1) new day starts at 00:00:00 hour. 2) when you request payment so
Pay value is increased.
I haven't found a way to not include
Pay from monitoring. But yea, it's much better than always refreshing the page.