So what's the prob? he used his own link nothing else matters unless you own the rights to the images & text if so file a dmca complaint, this forum wj is not the place to make threats about people leeching.
He was detected & banned at a few forums for multi accounts & multiposting ok thats good end of the prob, but why would anyone bring it here & make threats & bitch about what he was doing. that should be done at the forums he was posting at.
I was assuming the obvious uploaders upload movies,music, porn etc that for the best part don't belong to them for monetary gain, most pirates don't have any qualms about it really, that is ofc until they discover that someone else is pirating (stealing) their pirated (stolen) stuff. Heaven forbid :facepalm:
I'm not arguing with you and actually agree that giang_coi should have been banned for multi accounts & multiposting. But in what way do you mean it was beneficial for everyone that he was finally caught & banned was it for the so called leeching as you say or was it because he was getting more sales than others?