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WMZ, PerfectMoney payments done.

if you made 24 1-month sales in last 12 days, they can't be rebilled because rebill is every 30 days.

I made this 24 month sales in period 1-14 febuary , and only 1 person renew his accounts, sorry jeff but for me this is impossible, i uploud only on one forum, first on upstore next on rapidgator and , and on each host 50 or more percent renew accounts, on your host this is 5 percent or even less, so why i writting here that all this words.
What is your account? I will check why you have so less % of rebills.
bye keep2share
total shaving :thumbdown:
wtf! 7 days without sales :facepalm:
wtf Keep2share! why weekend without sales :cursing:
again 110% shaving weekend
wtf 8 days without sales :facepalm: 1:127 to NA nonsense
biggest shave ever!

You either need to change hosts, post better content, or change careers.

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