Jeff do you plan to stop hide like mouse? Be a Man and try to understand something very important!
1)Rebils are very important part of this game!
2)Ok we understand you have problems with CC and you can`t provide working rebils but is it hard for you to understand without rebils situation it`s not good and you HAVE TO COMPENSATE your members who still work with you or you are very greedy and just close your eyes because it`s good for you ?
So please stop play hide and seek and do something.. if you can`t provide working rebils just increase % for premiums it`s simple...
Any news about frozen money ?
And please don`t ignore my question because it`s easy for you.. just give simple answers like my questions are simple for you, and please don`t talk me for FUTURE.
of course he will do nothing, untill people don't stop uplodloading to him and give proffit there's no point to pay for rebills, or money hold, or don't shave sales
if you ask something to he here, your by pm, he will say, we will pay when bak unfreeze the money, rebills and sales are ok, i'm a fucking robot....
i think there is no jeff, are a bunch of people answering for him here