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After 9 years, I started uploading again. But my sales are not going well. I have been posting for about 20 days and still have no sales. I post porn in 4 forums. What am I wrong about? Is this the small number of forums I post on?
After 9 years, I started uploading again. But my sales are not going well. I have been posting for about 20 days and still have no sales. I post porn in 4 forums. What am I wrong about? Is this the small number of forums I post on?
I think its because 9 years have passed and now users watching stream porn on tubes and porn downloading is not popular like in 2010
I registered to this site because there are some files I need to download from.
I don't always log into the website especially after my premium membership expired.

Few month later when I try to login to the site there are text inform me that my account has been banned.
I think its because 9 years have passed and now users watching stream porn on tubes and porn downloading is not popular like in 2010
Downloading is still very popular. And by the way we have streaming option for Premium PRO.
Pornhub is mainly for mainstream.
Upload something what is not on tubes.

I registered to this site because there are some files I need to download from.
I don't always log into the website especially after my premium membership expired.

Few month later when I try to login to the site there are text inform me that my account has been banned.
We not ban without reason.
We ban only if account used for illegal debrids.
Please PM me your account and i tell you the reason.
Last edited:
To everyone who has scripts stopped working, check the format of the sent request in the API. It must strictly comply with the JSON specification.
Now we see a small number of queries with an extra comma at the end.

  "param": "value",
  "param2": "value",  <-- there should not be a comma according to the JSON specification here

Also check that double quotes are used everywhere.
Any one who have issue please write details here -
We will help!

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