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Why don't you calculate Productivity Scale with respect to Numbers of Premium Accounts sale?
Currently you only check The Amount we earn... But that depends on Luck... Sometimes my scale is 7 and sometimes is 5. But the quantity of premium account sold is not very different than the following weeks...
october is the nightmare for me worst ever half of the earning dropped 2016 worst month
even promo doesnt saved me from a week no sale (users not intrested to buy even there are free premium days)
efforts are vanishing in this host
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rebills almost gone on this month. Why do you still offer 50%+ auto-rebills?

May was the last month when I had normal rebills. From 40-60 dropped to 15-16...So it's 70 % drop in rebills in months after may.

And this is a reason:

I have a lot of contact with my subscribers and i think all of those reviews of keep2share are fake, it's most likely porn producers or copyright holders who are using vpn from various locations posting as fake costumers as the real costumers i talk to does not have this issue.

I'm pretty sure if it was accurate that every cc used @ k2s was leaked and abused all payment processors would have blocked them by now, it just would not be a sustainable business model.

Now what can we do about it? That's k2s staff job to mitigate the problem, best would probably be to contact the owner of the website and make them look into the hosts of the reviewers, you'll probably find 99% of the reviews coming from vps or vpn hosting networks.
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