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If your enemy sees my stats, they probably free you... No sale ...
... Any way jeff stat removed... I am with you k2s..
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Lorel are you working with sfl group? I noticed you are monitoring all reseller link with k2s. . Hmmmmp

are you mad ? i have nothing to do with him. but i don't understand how a simple man can desactived visa, mastercard etc on many sites. it's not possible.

Added after 12 minutes:

i would buy an premium account on downloadnolimit but the credit card don't work. i have received an email from the technical support so this is my computer (they says that) somebody can make a test for me on downloadnolimit please ? and tell me if the credit card is ok. because me i can't.
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Don't post here stats.
Or tell any information to our anemy.
use for your qwastions.

I didnt understand something. I understood bank hold money. But new sales is not from bank these are from reseller. So k2s can pay us payment of new sales. Isnt true ? Anybody?
We will start pay next week for new sales.

keep2share have lost another resseller (downloadnolimit) no more credit card on this site. soon=0 resseller.
Downloadnolimit lost creditcards few month ago.
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whatevers happening regarding payouts and sales, money matters etc, lets not disclose it here. EVER. Member Pm's are good alternative, and for support, email k2s. I hope all would cooperate, belting out here could spell doom for everyone. HAPPY WEEKEND.

Added after 8 minutes:

If any one sales his K2S account, please PM me.

Can you please rephrase this Jeff? I don't quite get it, sorry.
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Without Paying old Sales Payment Keep2share is vanished. It earns Thousands of dollars a day but cant pay old sales money. Are u kidding? Keep2share has to pay all the money as soon as possible.
We will start pay next week for new sales.

From which date you count new sales. Please answer. It should be 20th August because from one day before i.e. 19th August 2014 Credit card problem started. And what about those sales which is done in past by reseller.

Please reply.
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happy to see you here jeff. Keep2share and keep hope. you are not alone. I can buy a lifetime membership if i'm sure keep2share won't die in 1 month or 2.


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