- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!

Requested $99 in paypal but it is showing I requested 104 and my account gets negative of $-4.502

Jeff what's the issue.

Requests under $100 cost $5 fee ($99 + $5 = $104)

Before when you request $100 then they don't cut fee. When they sent money to your paypal account they cut directly 5$ from your requested payout and send the rest amount.

But in this case 5$ fee and when they send to paypal they again cut 5$.
hmm did keep2share sneak in a change when you request payout? i requested a payout today and instantly became -19$ in my "available payout" stats, i was like hmm... did i just get a 3 month refund instantly after requesting payout? .... nope i did not...

I expect the paypal sum i get to match the amount i requested cause previously when you requested money you got less than you requested in paypal cause they deducted the funds before payout but it never showed in the stats.

Time will tell! :)
Received 4 refunds. I hope there will not rebill for refunds :D

I closed today with - balance.

Thanks you Jeff for accepting 6 months ago's refund.

Shaving + F.cking mode was open today for all members.
Received 4 refunds. I hope there will not rebill for refunds :D

I closed today with - balance.

Thanks you Jeff for accepting 6 months ago's refund.

Shaving + F.cking mode was open today for all members.

as annoying as refunds are there's nothing that they can do about it if they want to keep the banks happy... and the reason there's mass refunds on the same day is because of just that, they collect a number of refunds and process them on the same day.

Anyone gotten their payment? Damn 2 weeks in a row late payment , starting to dwindle!

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