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Bank send us charge back notification not instant but every few weeks. That why many refunds in one day.

This is crazy, i have 3 refunds from the same file, it's clearly impossible for that to be correct.
All this 3 is same user(rebill)

Not true! requested money yesterday, WMZ, not paid.
You request money Today (2015-11-23 05:47:09). You will get your payment on 26 November.
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Bank send us charge back notification not instant but every few weeks. That why many refunds in one day.

All this 3 is same user(rebill)

Not true! requested money yesterday, WMZ, not paid.
You request money Today (2015-11-23 05:47:09). You will get your payment on 26 November.

as always thanks for the info and transparency jeff!

i wish there was a way for us to identify users who get premium and download everything just to refund months later, i kinda don't want to have their traffic anyway. What keeps them from doing the exact same thing again?
Bank send us charge back notification not instant but every few weeks. That why many refunds in one day.

All this 3 is same user(rebill)

so the conclusion, buy k2s premium pay bills every month and after 4-6 months refund all your money. this means service for free.....this is insane....

i can understand, if someone buy a 3 day premium and he gets charged with another 1 month ,he getting angry so he charge back his money. this case someone bought 1 month premium in august ,than he paid for another 2 months and now chargeback. it would be logically ,that he get refunded only 1 month.
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probably your email not with Latin lattes.
Every few weeks is not 4 months later.
some users buy 3 day trial use and forgot then they have 4 month rebill. After they see 4 rebill they go to bank and write complaint.
When merchant is high risk, bank always on client side.

this kind of refunds is less then 1%. so it not big problem

WMZ, PerfectMoney, PayPal payments done.
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some users buy 3 day trial use and forgot then they have 4 month rebill. After they see 4 rebill they go to bank and write complaint.
When merchant is high risk, bank always on client side.

this kind of refunds is less then 1%. so it not big problem

thank you for the answer.
i got 2 users complaining that the payment doesn't go through with their credit cards, not sure... never had that before. i see a decrease in sales too but to early to say
Hi k2s supporter,

My account has been banned. I sent email to you and you replied me the reason is "Because you were entering resellers voucher codes to your account from your reseller partner.". After that, I email you many times to explain more, but no reply till now. I have to write some words here and I hope you can understand me.

You know, many filehosts dont have paypal gate, while many people need to buy premium account by their paypal. So, I sell them. I buy voucher from site then sell back to my friends on yahoo messagger and skype chat list. Maybe my fault is that I use those vouchers to active premium via my links + my sites, the reason I do that is I wanna get affiliated money (50% from links + 5% from sites). You know, before do that, I check your TOS and I didn't see anything is wrong.

Now, my account has been banned, I still has more than 400$ in my balance, and the most important thing is there are around 5 TB files uploaded there. Now, I have nothing.

What I want to say now is: If my work is wrong, can you plz un-banned my account, I need to work again. You can get back all money I used vouchers to upgrade premium accounts (Although it is my real money). Because, beside sales from voucher, I got many sales from my uploading porn stuff on big forums.

Wait your reply. Thank anyway.

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