KatFile.COM - 70% OF Sales/Rebills | PPD $40/1000 DLs


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KatFile.COM - 60% OF SALES & Rebills | PPD $40/1000 DLs

Hello Im Soheil From KatFile.com I am So Glad To See You Here , KatFile Launched April 2016
We Have 3 Offers : PPD , PPS , MIX

PPD Offers :
PPD1 100% of Downloads / Download Speed 100 K / We are counted up to 1 times every 24 hours per IP + Timer + captcha
PPD3 20% of Downloads / We are counted up to 1 times every 24 hours per IP. + 1 Download Page , no limit , no timer , no capcha .
PPD4 50% of Downloads Unlimited download speed/ We are counted up to 1 times every 24 hours per IP

PPS : you get 65% of the purchased premium accounts + 65% from rebills.

MIX : 40% of Sales and 30% Of Downloads.

Rules and Conditions
We count every successful completed download.
Files smaller than 1MB do not qualify for points.
Minimum payout is $50 USD.
You will be disqualified and banned if you try to manipulate our system.
Downloads by your own account do not count.

We have stable referral program. When user is registered with your referal link, 10% of his profits will be credited to your account.

Partners can receive payments in Alipay, WebMoney, Paypal, Tron, Bitcoin.
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i been using your host for a month, beside the upload problems (try many times before successfully uploaded), now seem the stats have problems for the past few days (i have been upload the same contents to the same locations so nothing change on my side),

Earning bad. there is no point in increasing/move of countries to Plan A or Plan B. Too much download the results are not counted ($ 0.0000). you limit the amount of downloads/day
You behavior is very bad. have a lot of people complaining about this, but you do not fix it. you only think of own profit.
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Earning bad. there is no point in increasing/move of countries to Plan A or Plan B. Too much download the results are not counted ($ 0.0000). you limit the amount of downloads/day
You behavior is very bad. have a lot of people complaining about this, you only think of their own profit. But you do not fix it

bro nothing to fix
he does it on purpose
because admins or mods dont say anything
i really cant understand how this kind of tricky host can be here
his all rates are fake
he counts 20% of downloads
he broke the guiness record about shaving downloads
i am sorry but i see katfile everywhere
he must be paying good
i warned admins here many times,nobody care
katfile steals from us
if there is any trustful and good mod here (i call them to do what is necessary)
hey boss ,come on ,,everybody is complaining about this tricker
stop this guy.
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i get sales daily, so stats for me is good. speed for free users is very low, so it is possible that most of them cancel download if the file is big enough... if you are not happy switch to PPS
If your downloading is less than 1000 downloads daily, katfile isn't good for you. Because income increase on base of 1000 downloads. When download is imperfect it's not profitable both for us and you. It's better increase downloads daily. If it's more than 1000 please tell us your username that if there is a problem we will solve .
We need more and more downloads daily it can be profitable both for us and uploaders .
All of the rates are exact, and the correct downloads are determine .
We can't pay 2000 $ daily. and just earn 1000 $
seriously he thinks there are amateurs here
we are experienced users
i have 3 different ppds
i compared with this host
believe me guys ,katfile steals your money and time

We blocked this spamer a few days ago on katfile. Com
He create spam post 10 to 15 hours at a day, you can follow his posts and see them

Added after 1:

what about the files with ZERO downloads now, all previous weeks there are over at least 10 downloads (same series).
what is your username ?
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Hi Katfile happy chinese new year, wondering do you still remember me? ^^

I managed to hit easily over 1000 DLs daily, but still i got weird stats happen every 10pm asian time onwards, DLs increasing but profit just stop, BUT You guys pay really fast and daily, that's a good one, with High PPD rate too, but the stats is just weird after certain asian time, so i have stopped temporarily.

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