JunoCloud.me - PPD UP to $30/1000 downloads - Daily Payouts

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And you are writing everything is fine and you are counting properly, thats really bullshit.

This server doesn't count downloads.
I deleted all the file uploaded yesterday (all with 0 downloads) and uploaded them again to another server and now the downloads work.
we see downloads counted today on your account

About Jdownlaoder issue, we will report this to the developers

Yes everything is fine and of course you are counting correctly.

Today 0 DL's so i downloaded 3 files by myself with differnet IP and still ZERO Dl counted.

Also JD again not working, always after connection 59 Min waiting.

But everything is running fine and smooth, hahaha.


Added after 7 minutes:

That file has indeed a problem, admin will check it

Added after 4 minutes:

we see downloads being counted on that server. Can you send me some specific filenames please so we can check the logs?
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Remote still not working propperly :(:(:(... FTP always Upload Succesfully but files not available in the My Files manager :(:(:(.
Hoping if Remote is not propperly working at least FTP should work accordingly.. Thanks and Good luck!
you have serious problem in server, upload always file stuck at 20 or 21 %, please analyse and fix it.
especially this =>>
better kill that server or you have that only one..?

what about FTP...???
atleast we need one stable uploading way, choice is yours ftp or normal upload..?

:: EDIT :: => this server is working fine :) uploading speed is above 30mbps
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Dear all,

Please be informed that our Daily Payment Run has already been executed and all payment requests we have received processed. $$$$$

A reminder to all of you that we work hard to solve all the issues!!

Your support and understanding is very much appreciated!! :handshake:
junocloud buddy, can you please reduce the 60 second counting timer to anonymous user.

Offtopic: (just my opinion)
because users close the window once they saw 60 second, so atleast reduce timer to 30 seconds to non-registered user for 1 week and analyse the result, just beta test for 1 week
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hey junocloud, how sure are you that you will be using liberty reserve soon ? are you waiting on feedback of the public or testing it out first ? thanks

Today, I have noticed my files were deleted randomly almost more than 4 GB of data. The worst part, files I have uploaded 4 days back were also deleted.:sohot:Please look into this issue on priority.
guys counter of junocloud is working fine, i am sure :)

only thing is people thinking 60 second is a bigger time and close the window suddenly (juno buddy check your bounce rate, my guess it will be high)

min payout is $20
ANNOUNCEMENT: WE ARE NOW PAYING BY LIBERTY RESERVE, you will find the option on your panel to chose between WMZ and LR.
Good luck!

@prins511: our admin will check the matter and get back to us as soon as possible.
Can you please PM the filename of some file that got deleted please?
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