JunoCloud.me - PPD UP to $30/1000 downloads - Daily Payouts

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my speed is over 10MB

You're probably using FTP and/or you're the exception to the rule.

I know at least 15 people, in different locations, all with high speed upload servers, that for more than 1 week now are getting speeds of less than 100kbps, at all hours of the day.

I upgraded my account to premium for nothing, because 2 days after I upgraded it, all servers got screwed up.

And where is Junocloud? Nowhere.

Does he answer private messages? No.

Does he answer contact emails sent through the site? No.

Does he fix the servers? No.

Great work Junocloud. Indeed, great work.... at ignoring the problems!!!

Uploaded at 0.108 MB/s 

Uploaded at 0.123 MB/s 

Uploaded at 0.1 MB/s

And this is on a high-speed NL VPS Server!!!

For all other filehosts, speeds are over 40/50/60 mb/s..... for junocloud, it's this crap for over 1 week.

And not a single answer or fix!!!
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No change here; still the same usual crap speeds for 1 week and a half now:

Direct Upload:
[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Uploaded at 0.162 MB/s [/COLOR]

FTP Upload:
[COLOR=#000000]Uploading to: ftp://ftp.junocloud.me/
[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Uploaded at 0.171 MB/s [/COLOR]
[warn=Moderated Message]Hello JunoCloud,

You are an official support, right? so that means that you should provide support to user(s) if they report you something and not just ignore it.

Please respond to user(s) and give them an update about the speed issue.

Thank you!![/warn]
Dear Bloodsucker,

We conducted tests up/down from several locations in EUROPE and we see no issues.
From our understanding you have problems uploading from your VPS in holland. Are the servers of the other hosters you upload to located in holland as well? If so maybe you have some problem with international bandwidth while local bandwidth is very fast for you


Added after 13 minutes:

Hi DoggY DoG, we just investigated but we need more information with regards to their complains. For example they should provide their IPs. Because we conducted a lot of tests but we found no issues so far.
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@system90 Kindly confirm your payment details, I have sent you an email twice about it. Please reply to that email, after that we can send you your payment.

@ghazihammami I sent that email for you to confirm also. Please reply to that email. Thanks.
I'm looking for a new host. Juno seems interesting but many recent shaving claims are making me worried. And the fact that they saying that they check every payment manually makes it almost impossible to check. I would appreciate some comments.
PPD pay all downloads from same ip FREE AND PREMIUM users?

Or Pay only 1 down/day ip ?

User Premium keep files unlimited time? Space storage Unlimited?
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