Julian Assange Arrested

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Who cares, he's a faggot. And he probably did raped those girls.. I just don't get it why people trust him so much, ok. He created WikiLeaks, so what? big deal .. WikiFails never helped anyone, it only made people act like smartasses sharing WikiFails links to their friends and saying: "Wow, I never knew this .. Government sucks! They keep secrets from us!!! (no shit!)"

That gay site should be terminated. They are only wasting precious bandwidth and disk space.
Who cares, he's a faggot. And he probably did raped those girls.. I just don't get it why people trust him so much, ok. He created WikiLeaks, so what? big deal .. WikiFails never helped anyone, it only made people act like smartasses sharing WikiFails links to their friends and saying: "Wow, I never knew this .. Government sucks! They keep secrets from us!!! (no shit!)"

That gay site should be terminated. They are only wasting precious bandwidth and disk space.

i dont agree totally with you but i however agree that wikileaks was mostly used by people to sound like a smartass
lol @ Ambition.

Also its good that he is arrested cuz Julian is a fucking cyber freak and never had a girl before so you may have raped a girl...

And wikileaks is great for people who wanna know all glitches of the government. The fucking government...
lol @ Ambition.

Also its good that he is arrested cuz Julian is a fucking cyber freak and never had a girl before so you may have raped a girl...

And wikileaks is great for people who wanna know all glitches of the government. The fucking government...

haha that's actually wrong, he had a girlfriend at age 18 who he knocked up, and she left him after he got raided by the police for hacking into government systems at age 21 ;)
Who cares, he's a faggot. And he probably did raped those girls.. I just don't get it why people trust him so much, ok. He created WikiLeaks, so what? big deal .. WikiFails never helped anyone, it only made people act like smartasses sharing WikiFails links to their friends and saying: "Wow, I never knew this .. Government sucks! They keep secrets from us!!! (no shit!)"

That gay site should be terminated. They are only wasting precious bandwidth and disk space.

I dont totally disagree with you. No one can be trusted (without knowing them). But the site has done alot of good its basically put all the fucking bitch talking behind the scene to the public. We have a right to know and some of the leaks seem interesting such as the attacks planned by other countries against iran etc.
lol @ Ambition.

Also its good that he is arrested cuz Julian is a fucking cyber freak and never had a girl before so you may have raped a girl...

And wikileaks is great for people who wanna know all glitches of the government. The fucking government...

He had a relationship with both the girls that accused him for rape. And also, even today they called him up asking if he wants to stay at their house if he's coming back to sweden.

@ Jason, wikileaks is an electronic letterbox for ppl to publish their "articles" but don't have the platform to. Due to the anonymity wikileaks gives the publisher, ppl contribute. What they are doing is excellent by revealing such stuff. If he pleads guilty, it shows the power of money, how it has overruled the human's freedom of speech.
Jason, I think that you are right. Although people here don't think that, but ok.

Which of the things he published helped the world? Nothing. People still die, shit still happens. There is no positive action after wikileaks.

And people don't trust their government, ok, but they trust a guy who hacked the systems of USA? WTF?

WikiLeaks is a bullshit site. They have to close it ASAP. I hear here people telling things USA did, which he learned from wikileaks. Everyone knew it already, but those dumbs didn't. And now they know it? So what, life still continoues.
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