Hello, maybe you just catched the wrong server
We allow files up to 15GB
btw any problem with your stat today ?
seem my viewer dropped.. also i have 3 splited statistic..
help check "191"
Hello! I tried multiple times but keeps failing. Here is picture:
You see both files are 4.97GB but Jetload says 5.3GB
Also Max size 256MiB is wrong because i have uploaded files over 3GB which upload fine.
Hello! I tried multiple times but keeps failing. Here is picture:
You see both files are 4.97GB but Jetload says 5.3GB
Also Max size 256MiB is wrong because i have uploaded files over 3GB which upload fine.
Thanks Jetload!
I also noticed this problem with z-o-o-m too though it reports this message halfway through the upload session:
2019-05-03 12:29:39 UP: Send(1) (SocketError:Socket Error # 10054/Connection reset by peer.) (jetload.net)
File size on disk is often different to actual file size, as you can see in the directory view its listed as 5.2gb, but when selecting it windows reports 4.97gb. Its safe to assume that the size displayed in the directory view is more accurate.
Connection reset by peer usually means that the connection dropped out while uploading, this could be due to the server you're uploading to, or your connection dropping for a small amount of time. Or a limit on Jetload's end. Hard to say.
I agree with your message but have you tried to upload above 5GB, I'm just curious if the upload completes for you.
Jetload works for all files under 4.60GB for me, anything above that causes the Connection reset by peer message
I have uploaded so many files under 4.60 GB it only errors for files above 4,60GB unfortunately.
Thanks @4kremux![]()
btw any problem with your stat today ?
seem my viewer dropped.. also i have 3 splited statistic..
help check "191"
There is a problem with my profits
I noticed today that my earnings have dropped unreasonably
Yooh got $ 2.68؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
Each day I get less $ 6
Why the manipulation of my profits have changed
I work on another site and my profits in other sites exceed $ 6
an account rmzy
Thank you for quick and excellent supportWe just found a problem in our system, you said you get daily 6$ ? your account has been credited with 15$ enjoy![]()
Thank you for quick and excellent support
I hope the problem was solved because I relied on my website profits
The pending payment is $ 20 2019-05-03
I would like to thank you
hi thanks for this.. My feedback about your service until now :Hello, we found the problem, 40$ has been credited to your account![]()
Try updating your chrome?Sort by name, size or date when is active?
http://prntscr.com/nk8g68 I'm getting this error only when using chrome.