| Full-HD | HLS | API | Subtitles | Automatic BTC Payouts | 35$/10k

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Active Member

The next generation of video and file hosting

At jetload, we believe in equity! Everyone deserves to watch a video with no buffering, which is why we are using advanced technologies adapting the quality depending on the user’s network speed.

Dear Wjunction users,
My name is Jason, i'm the official representative of Jetload, and I will be your Affiliate Manager

Short description about Jetload
We are a company behind Jetload with over 50 employees dedicated to support you in English,French,Spanish,German and Arabic, Jetload was created with NodeJS & AngularJS we are the first platform ever who used this language for such a project niche besides Youtube & Netflix


- Unique script completely based on NodeJS & Angular JS
- We support HLS with multiple Qualities like 360p,480p,720p,1080p with auto quality switch supported
- To ensure maximum stability we use 3 different Databases
- We use Websockets to provide a real time experience
- Jetload is available in 6 different languages (EN,FR,DE,ES,IT,AR)

User Side :
- Z-o-o-m Support
- Subtitle Support
- API Support
- Torrent Support
- Upload your own Logo
- Unlimited Storage
- No Ready-made scripts

- you can decide to block AdBlock visitors or not

- Get short link or long link
- Allow users to upload subtitles or not

- Enable/Disable Video Encoding
- Allow MP4 videos to be played or not
- Enable/Disable MP4 videos Encoding



-All Rates are based on 10.000 Views
-Payout requests are made withing 24h
-Minimum payout is 10$
-Payout methods are: BTC,ETH,PM,Paypal,WMZ

Need to get paid using another option? just send a email to : or a PM to me

Email: (we talk English,French,Spanish,German,Arabic)

Welcome to Jetload's Office !




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Hello, and welcome, one question only, in your terms of service: Jetload.NET is commited to cooperate with any and all legal authorities if an investigation should arise. --- Copyrighted material is also strictly prohibited, so, what kind of visitors do you believe you will attract? Thanks.
how many minutes count views?
do you accept adult?
and how many days the Lifespan of Files
could you please create an import file via api
you said about your Topic Prove it..if this Host ADVANCE Technology
import all our Files to your Host
Hello, and welcome, one question only, in your terms of service: Jetload.NET is commited to cooperate with any and all legal authorities if an investigation should arise. --- Copyrighted material is also strictly prohibited, so, what kind of visitors do you believe you will attract? Thanks.
not dumb ones
you may have noticed that all hosts have the same policy, we deal with Copyright like any other host if there is any abuse the file get removed.
Thank you

Thank you :)


how many minutes count views?
we count a view after the video started playing
do you accept adult?
No Adult material is prohibited
and how many days the Lifespan of Files
60 days but can be upgraded to 120 days
could you please create an import file via api
you mean from other hosts? we are working on it already
@alonso piano
yes we count up to 3 views per visitor , but that depends from visitor to visitor we are using a very complex system
if the visitor play the video a second time and the advertisers pay 0 the view is not counted.
otherwise if our advertisers pay 3 times the view will be counted for you 3 times.

about Upload it works fine from here, you can try Z-o-o-m for faster uploads as they use our API directly if web upload is not working
You are in the process of testing,Your upload server is not working.
Torrent upload,Remote upload,Web upload is not working
API not generate.
- Upload from web: Working
- Remote upload from openload: Working. Will be better if have import function from account via api.
- File Manager: Need select all files and export links
- Streaming: Good
- Upload speed: Medium
- Encoding: Slow
All Problems has been fixed!
please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused

If anyone still facing this problem please Logout and login again this should fix the problem
can import files from streamango?

This option will be added Thursday :)

You are in the process of testing,Your upload server is not working.
Torrent upload,Remote upload,Web upload is not working
API not generate.

All problems has been resolved already, if there is any issue please logout & login again

cannot upload videos via web upload

It should be fixed now

- Upload from web: Working
- Remote upload from openload: Working. Will be better if have import function from account via api.
- File Manager: Need select all files and export links
- Streaming: Good
- Upload speed: Medium
- Encoding: Slow

Thank you for your review we will do our best to add it

Welcome to WJ

Thank you very much :)
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