JANUARY 18: Web Goes on Strike!

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I dont think you know what SOPA entirely is. The social media sites won't get in trouble, YOU WILL! If sopa is passed all those sites will have to release users ip's that upload copyrighted material to their site to the US Government
who cares abt US :D host contents outside US like in sweden or russia and move domains. block US ips accessing sites. i guess it'll solve the trouble ;)
If the bigger websites (facebook, google, twitter, etc) do not go on strike on January 18th SOPA will most likely be passed. If they do go on strike, the world will freak the fuck out and it will be declined, for now..
Web Goes on Strike! XD SOPA is one big joke, today's world is no longer ruled by the kings, presidents, parliaments, or any other forms of this kind authority, today's world is ruled by corporations and they can do whatever they want ... ; ) matrix is coming ... :))
Web Goes on Strike! XD SOPA is one big joke, today's world is no longer ruled by the kings, presidents, parliaments, or any other forms of this kind authority, today's world is ruled by corporations and they can do whatever they want ... ; ) matrix is coming ... :))
You make it sound like a joke, but it's very true, we are living in a corporate fascist country (where corporations and governments merge).

BTW Here's a Anti-SOPA disp.pic I made for Facebook:
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^ saini all site that have copyrighted staff will get blocked in usa... your site to warezcat hehe

- and other will follow. so soon as usa do that other will start doing it... 99.9% if usa does it... UK will be next.

here you can watch a video abut it [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLYgs0xMDm0[/ame]
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