Its OK to Marry with your Cousin?

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Ethically and biologically dangerous.

The problem in such close relative marriages surfaces when one of the partners carries a defect in any of the genes associated with some form of illness. When you marry within the community with one who may also have such a family defect, the child inherits two copies of this faulty gene, and thus has the defect. But when you marry outside the community, you bring in genes from a much larger gene pool, and the odds that the child will inherit the problem reduce remarkably. --- Copied from the web ---
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If you probe into Gender Studies, you'll realize that marriage between a male and a female, in a patriarchal society, is actually a marriage between 2 patriarchal clans (family), which strengthens it. A patriarchal society has always associated social stigmas regarding incest because marriage within a family doesn't expand this patriarchal clan.

The main justification that patriarchy has used for this, are the discourses of religion, ethics and science - that it is against religion, against your ethics, and not recommended by biology.

If you are open-minded enough to accept that all religion, ethical systems, and scientific discourses are highly political strategies of the hegemonic power to assert control, you will gain the confidence to defy and think beyond these - where it will be acceptable to marry whoever you want.
" open-minded ", "free thinker", those are nice words. By using that words we can break any rule. We can do anything.We can justify any thing.
Including humans, all animals are eating, sleeping, and reproducing.
But why we are different from other animals.
We are much more civilized.It is basically separate us from other animals.

Our thinking patterns are based on what kind of education we have got, from what kind of society we are coming from. Whom we are associate with in day to day life,media sources etc...etc..From all those sources we are grabbing information using our five senses.{eyes,eras,nose,tongue and skin}.Then by using those information, we are making our own conclusions like, that is right, this is wrong, he is correct, he is wrong.

So, something may right to some and may not right to some one. It is not the persons fault.It is not the fault of the society either.

There is a popular saying called " beauty belongs to the eye of the beholder ". something may beautiful to some one. But not to another one.

But as a community we accept and follow rules/ ethics which is help for a better life of our self's and of others life's.

For a example, no one like to get robbed. So ethically we are coming to a conclusion if I feel so much pain by getting robbed, then it is not good to get things belongs to others, without there permission. Because if I do so, they also feel the same pain which I may feel,if I get robbed.

Those who are not following those ethics will stop by the rules.And those who are still robbing others things by breaking the rules will end up there life with going to jail.

Most of the good ethical practices,rules and regulations are for a better society. To have a good life.

This is my personal point of view. Sorry about my English. There are lot to say,but my English is not good enough to express my self freely.

I respect others ideas.Just expressing what I am believing by my self.

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