- $50/1000 PPD - 70% PPS 40% Rebills - Mixed 40/40 - 72 hours payment

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ALL WEBMONEY PAYMENT DONE :) please allow it up to 8 hours to be in your account

@ merou : your payout methis still show payza to me . PM me your webmoney account .

@ usooop : that your downloads number not profit . so your traffic decrease but that it is not related to counting issue at all . I dont know why you people just like to post negative instead of report problem to solve you just post such posts . anyway as you like .fro mmy side I can guarante that it all works with no problem and lot of uploaders earn good and they paid daily .
ALL WEBMONEY PAYMENT DONE :) please allow it up to 8 hours to be in your account

@ merou : your payout methis still show payza to me . PM me your webmoney account .

@ usooop : that your downloads number not profit . so your traffic decrease but that it is not related to counting issue at all . I dont know why you people just like to post negative instead of report problem to solve you just post such posts . anyway as you like .fro mmy side I can guarante that it all works with no problem and lot of uploaders earn good and they paid daily .

@razaroo check the PM

we did a serious investigation to make sure that everything is working fine with stats and counting and everything . and I am happy to say all working Good with no issue .
check all please and tell me how it is going with you .

Please I want you all to konw that I am here to help you and provide support for you so you all have good service . I am not here to cheat anyone or shave any download . if you feel there any issue just tell us and will work to fix it for you . you should not have any problem now .

@ merou : I sent your payment . expect it to be at your account in less than 4 hours from 3rd party .

@ nidzamarkoni : so the problem is fro your side not us .if your downloaders didnt complete the download so it will not counting for sure . becareful please keep abusing our service may lead to suspend your account . We test everything and it is working 100% correct
@ nidzamarkoni : I havr nothing against you man . we are working very hard to provide good service to you all . please consider that while posting . I am always paying as you see . and thanks for posting your proof that you got paid .

this counting problem should never happen . let me know please if you guys still have this issue that we fixed
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@ waldofaldo : There is nothing from that . if you wait you today report at the end of the day you will see it works fine . no need to post wihtout make sure what you talk about !!

why you guy love to spam here !!!
you are very welcome guys ;)

i need you all to check the stats at the end of the day you will see it is will work better than before

update :

now we count all downloads even not complete ;)
@ nidzamarkoni : no need for thanks here . we are wokring to provide good service . now you are spam here for sure . There is no shave download and we already credited most account that had downlaods at the previous days including your account .

but I warned you before we have the right to ban any account that abuse our service . now you abuse our service by posing fake information about us . so due to TOS we decide to ban your account and remove all your files and credit . This action will take effect in 24 hours

@ nidzamarkoni : read my previous post please we mentioned that . Thanks

@ nidzamarkoni : no need for thanks here . we are wokring to provide good service . now you are spam here for sure . There is no shave download and we already credited most account that had downlaods at the previous days including your account .

but I warned you before we have the right to ban any account that abuse our service . now you abuse our service by posing fake information about us . so due to TOS we decide to ban your account and remove all your files and credit . This action will take effect in 24 hours

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you banned me so you lost me as uploader + my freinds uploaders + all other here on WJ

everyone here will see who is telling the truth here

i think that you lost more than me
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