Is your site paying the bills?

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Well I make quite a bit but its not from warez sites..

Adsense i get roughly £100 + a month.
Web hosting I get enough ;)
Design etc id say a good $100 or so a month depending if i can be bothered.
+ other odd jobs here and there.
Not bad really :P

WarezTheGFX is a Warez forum, and we were making around $200 per month. $300 if we include the adspots we were selling.
And we didn't even have ads.

We could earn $10 a day if we had ads.
Warez forums can easily make $400-$500 a month.

$10 a day is nothing. $500 a month wont even buy groceries for 2 weeks. Maybe for a week. Warez is not a place to earn money
@ Eliø

Nah, a just a small banner.


I don't have a warez forum to earn money so I can buy food, ect.
I got a real life job for that.
@ Eliø

Nah, a just a small banner.


I don't have a warez forum to earn money so I can buy food, ect.
I got a real life job for that.

lol gl with that , ive had a banner @ w-c before and didnt make more then 2$ with a small banner
I agree with JJJ. Even if you make between 400-500$ (I only make around 300-400$ a month, from GFX, CF and selling accounts) your not paying bills.

No one is going to supply a house payment, food, etc.. running a warez forum. I believe thats what the thread starter was aiming for.
I get at least enough donations to cover the costs, but it didnt start out that way (30 months). I'm slowly getting back all that I put in when i paid for it myself.
I do believe its very possible to make a living off your site. Believe it or not hardly 0 LARGE site webmaster contribute to forums such as this one.

You will never see the owner of a site like at this board
Why? Because they don't need anything that this Board offers.

Its kinda like going into a hackers Chat room at yahoo.. If you are in that chat room your not a hacker. Why ? Because a real hacker has better things to do rather than hang out in a chatroom.
So anyone saying you cant make a living from your site is full of $$$$$$

I ran for 5 months and made 12000 before i was forced to shut it down for legal reasons . I got lucky and TF Blogged about TS 4 times and that generated me Thousands and thousands of hits making me a lot of money
So dont think its possible and it wont be. People give up to easy. More than likely it will take up to 5 years to really start profiting from your site.
Most people give up in under a year
Katz still has to pay a good chunk of their profits for servers so they might make some profit margin but not much compared to how much they're paying.
well of course u can make a living from your site but is harder for warez sites .. only the top ones make profit the rest just make enough to pay for server bills thats the reason why i moved to more legit projects
lol about the money.

living on your own will cost you +-1200 dollar (netherlands). and that;s just too pay the bills and eat.
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