You won't make much money at all with a 2k visitor site. With smowtion you're probably looking at 10-20 cents per day with that kind of traffic. (If you're lucky)
I used smotion in my warez site for one month .... I only earned about 4 or 5 $ X-(
SO I think it is bad, I searched for another CPM site but I lost the hope :'(
If u found, tell me <3
They (smowtion) just unapproved 2 of my warez sites because of too much adult content. I am waiting for them to disapprove the 3rd, time to find a different ad network I guess.
What is strange to me is the primary site on my account with them has warez in the url but the to the disapproved do not. I think they may start dropping a lot of sites with questionable content.
Smowtion disapproved the third site and pressured me to make changes or ad them to my non adult or warez sites in order to cash out my accounts. Screw them and their ads.
If you have warez or adult content do not use Smowtion, even the people that have been using them for some time are getting cut out at cash out on the ToS violation crap.
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