Is SEO really helpful? Is the money invested and time invested worth it?

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Hey there,
I have made my new website and now I want to make it popular, I wanna get some good audience and was thinking to get the SEO done. I talked to an SEO company but they are charging too much and the time they are asking us is minimum 6 months. Will it be worth or if there is any other way to get the audience then please guide me.
Hey there,
I have made my new website and now I want to make it popular, I wanna get some good audience and was thinking to get the SEO done. I talked to an SEO company but they are charging too much and the time they are asking us is minimum 6 months. Will it be worth or if there is any other way to get the audience then please guide me.
Hello, I think u should first try ur self to make a good SEO for ur website.
After 6 month u will see results, more work more results :d
Yess.. its very hard but you should know that its most important thing to rank your business very high, if you understand it you will remember it and can use it for future references, I definitely recommend it.
Yes, if you have the right people to do it then it is definitely worth it to invest in SEO for your website but if you don't have a good team to do it then you are likely to not get much benefit with your SEO efforts.
If you are going with a SEO company I would recommend checking them out in various forums and review sites. Don't pay them in advance for the full job.
1. SEO isnt cheap, so if you want cheap SEO and want to waste $, I am taking donations from people to help me make rich, i'll take your $$ in no time.
2. SEO takes months, if not years. Unless youre doing something blackhat or greyhat, then its a different case.
My tip is not to focus on SEO. Make the minimum like title, meta description, keywords for each page and then try link building using forums by posting articles with links. The more you post, the more links you will get.
Yes, It is worth, basically you cannot do SEO by yourself because if you want to drive really good traffic and trageted audience, then I prefer to go with SEO services providing companies where you can talk to them at affordble prices or packages. Since it's everything depend on your website content you must concentrate more on content. Yes they need atleast 6 months with effective results.

I have read your post. do not your tension now. I tell a very good website. All your problems will be removed. You can find only the complete information from that website.
It does take at least 6 months to see the outcome of SEO work, you should compare quotes with SEO companies before signing up! Good luck!
In my opinion, you'd better try yourself to SEO your website. In fact, it's a bit difficult task and needs time. Guest posting is a great way to get some quality backlinks.
It depends on what you want to achieve. If you are promoting an online service/business, then yes. If it is something local and onsite - probably could do without it.

As for 6 months, yeah, to see SEO results you really need to put in effort and time. If you think about it, websites to all other similar products have been on the web for a while and gained a reputation in the search engine. Of course, algorithms will be pushing more reputable links up, so it will take time for your link to gain trust and appear higher in ranking.

I believe Google has a free course on SEO, so you could start there to at least understand what that is and have a more productive discussion with SEO companies
SEO is a constantly evolving marketing tactic that can be incredibly helpful for businesses of all sizes. However, is the money and time invested really worth it? There are pros and cons to SEO, so it's important to weigh them before making a decision. Here are some key factors to consider:

1) The first question to ask when considering SEO is whether you have a targeted audience. If your business sells products or services that appeal to a wide range of people, then SEO may not be the best solution for you. A targeted approach will help you attract more customers by positioning your business in front of the right people.

2) Another factor to consider is your website's visibility. Visibility means how well your website is found by Google and other search engines.
SEO is crucial because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers.
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