Is MU worth it?

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Active Member
To be honest, I really like MegaUpload, And I want to purchase a lifetime membership. I'm not looking to make money, if I was I would go with HotFile. I'm just looking for fast, reliable, easy downloads. So I have some questions, I would appreciate it if only people avid with MU answered the questions below.

  • How strict are they on removing suspected warez files?
  • Is buying a lifetime membership worth the money?
  • Is MU really as reliable as it seems?
  • Is MU a good decision for user friendly downloads.
  • Is there anything MU provides that others don't
  • Is there anything others provide that dwarf MU?
  • What is a better alternative than MU, Keeping members as a top priority?
Thanks :D I appreciate your answers.
RS > MU if you ask me.

Sorry didn't answer your questions but as far as i know they don't remove your files as much as they do on RS and HF.
Same here, The only reason I am questioning it aside from it being a 200 dollar purchase is that it seems to not be a very used service :x.
Yeah, I agree with Chris.

  • How strict are they on removing suspected warez files? Meh.
  • Is buying a lifetime membership worth the money? Maybe, I think so.
  • Is MU really as reliable as it seems? Yeah, it's pretty reliable.
  • Is MU a good decision for user friendly downloads. Sure.
  • Is there anything MU provides that others don't. Uhm, not really.
  • Is there anything others provide that dwarf MU? LULWHAT?
  • What is a better alternative than MU, Keeping members as a top priority?
Well with Megaupload, you will find a smaller amount of links for bigger uploads as MU allows you to store more MB per link.

You can find anything you want on MU by going to google and entering any of thw following:

"megaupload warez"
"megaupload movie warez"
"megaupload game warez"
"megaupload downloads"
"megaupload forums"
"item you want (game, movie, etc..) megaupload warez (or subtract the warez)"

So you won't need to worry about not finding links as there are forums dedicated to MU warez.

I think its definitely worth it if you are going to be using it alot to download things.

the website has okay customer support and a good skin/downloading system.

The speeds are both great for uploading and downloading for me.
  • How strict are they on removing suspected warez files?
  • Is buying a lifetime membership worth the money?
  • Is MU really as reliable as it seems?
  • Is MU a good decision for user friendly downloads.
  • Is there anything MU provides that others don't
  • Is there anything others provide that dwarf MU?
  • What is a better alternative than MU, Keeping members as a top priority?
Thanks :D I appreciate your answers.

i have both RS and MU premium account, and in my opinion MU lifetime account is really worth it. No download limitation or whatsoever and wont expire ever :O

[*]How strict are they on removing suspected warez files?
almost same as RS

[*]Is buying a lifetime membership worth the money?

[*]Is MU really as reliable as it seems?

[*]Is MU a good decision for user friendly downloads.

[*]Is there anything MU provides that others don't
dont know

[*]Is there anything others provide that dwarf MU?
No way

[*]What is a better alternative than MU, Keeping members as a top priority?
A lifetime account is just too much imo.
Go for a 3months account, and generating points on MU is real easy and fun. ( :

Just follow this,
They're not too strict with files. Where as rs deletes ~300gb a month from my accounts, megaupload only does 10gb. However, you don't earn money with MU cause they only allow <100MB files to be participated in their rewards program. Downloading from MU can be fast, or slow, it really depends what server you get (I sometimes get 200KB/s, sometimes 2000Kb/s). RS on the other hand is much faster (8000KB+). Uploading to MU can be a bitch, I only reach 200KB/s, where to RS I get 1100kb/s. But I'd pick MU, simply cause of the more alive links, and less split parts.
I also think it depends what you want to do with it. If you want to upload and share files as an uploader for points then I think RS would be a better bet simply because more people have RS premium accounts to d/l movies and games etc. Other than that, i think its horses for courses as all have plus and minus points depending on what exactly YOU want to do with it
Hi, I have a MU account also and it's reliable in my opinion :)

I got only 4 premiums that look reliable to me:

1. ( Ilike it for the speed, no ads, and the rewards)

2. (a very good mirror for rapidshare links and you get the same account on megavideo, so you make double points with videos and downloads)

3. (reliable site, this is an older site even the rapidshare, check

4. (very good filehost, got paid more then 90 Euro from them and they pay in maximum 3 days of requesting)
I have netload, storage, megaupload, hotfile, and rapidshare premium accs. The first one I got was netload. It's pretty sweet altough mostly only used on porn, not warez. Storage is pretty neat too, as they allow 1gb files, so if u find a nice source, u can dl single file movies, it's pretty sweet. They always provide 2MB/s per file by the way, unlike hotfile premium which sucks (200-500KB )
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