Is Managed Hosting Good ?

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Yes it is very recommended, If you are newbie to hosting, Management support will take care of servers and third party application installation and server configuration.., I would suggest you to have a look on scopehosts managed VPS service, you will get reasonable and reliable hosting services.
Unfortunately managed hosting support can differ greatly between hosts.
On some hosts, they will let you have root, but still, help you fix things if you break them.
Others will insist on not letting you have root and will help you install scripts where root access is required.

It will always we worth reading their TOS (terms of service) to see where the limit of their support reaches.

Managed hosting is particularly useful where you are great with your application, but not so great with the operating system.
Managed hosting is always good if you're not 100% sure what you are doing regarding server management and configuration. It will mean a significant increase in pricing, but untill you know your way around these things better, it is definitely worth it.

However, I would check reviews of the host, if there management services are any good. If you cannot find any reviews, try sending sem questions to their tech support/ live chat support and see how they react (If they respond within a reasonable time window and with a knowledgable reply, it is a good sign)
There is a better/cheaper alternative to a Managed VPS called an Elastic Site, which is effectively a "shared" server set up as a shared server, but resources are dedicated, so if you need 4GB of memory and 2CPUs or maybe even 24GB of RAM and 12CPUs you can choose your resources.
Elastic sites will still come with your goodies like Softaculous, Automated Backups and Restores, support from the host etc.
Also they are setup to allow you to choose which version of PHP and which modules you need, so you can run as lean or fully loaded as you want all configurable from inside your control panel.

These accounts are also managed
Yes! It is recommended, There you will be having dedicated management support team to handle your queries and your need. They will install and configure server and third party application etc... I would suggest you to go with scopehosts managed VPS services.
It will vary provider to provider. You need to check provider managed support details. If you don't find it on their website, ask to them which will cover within managed support. Normally provider provides support for server setup, configuration, optimization and support related your webserver, control, os etc.
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