Is it safe to use Mediafire as backup?

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No. They monitor/scan your files, and block access of files or your account if they find something improper.

Furthermore, your account will get banned if you don't share your files and you store a lot of files there. Here is the template of the mail they will send to you:
Your account has been marked for deletion on xxxxxxx xx, 20xx because it is in violation of the MediaFire Terms of Service.

You are using MediaFire for long-term data storage, which is prohibited by the MediaFire Terms of Service. The MediaFire File Sharing site is designed for users who frequently share data, not for users archiving excessive amounts of data for extended periods of time.

You are currently storing xxxxx file(s) in your account and will have until xxxxxxx xx, 20xx to move these files from the web site. If MediaFire removes these files, the files will not be restored!

Thank you for choosing MediaFire as your cloud based file sharing service provider.

Your MediaFire Support Team
You may reach Customer Support at:


Customer Support hours are:

Monday through Friday, 7 am to 9 pm

You may also contact support by visiting our Submit A Ticket page.

NOTE: Please do not respond to this email, it does not accept incoming emails! Please review the commonly asked questions at for further information.

Don't waste your time to upload files to MediaFire.
Hey guys, Tom from MediaFire here. I thought I'd just drop in here to clear up the confusion. Yes, we're a business and we make money by people upgrading to our personal, professional, and business plans, but a lot of people just use our free service which is completely designed to be viable as a storage and backup solution. Also, the email shared above is really, really, really, old. It looks like this now:

To be specific, as long as you're actively using your free account, we're not going to delete your data, ever. Our content retention policy (which you can read here: provides more detail on how it works - basically as long as you log-in or have at least one file downloaded within ~300-700 days your account is considered "active". And as long as your free account is considered active, you can store 50GBs for free and indefinitely. In addition, we're actually working on new and more innovative tools that will further address your backup needs and we're hoping to release those early in 2013. I hope this helps!
If stored files are copyright content but are not shared at all, only stored as personal backup, do mediafire still deletes those files even if those are marked as private?
If the files are encrypted and an obscure name is used then there is no need to be concerned. I use Mediafire for all of my personal files and encrypt much of it......making those files "private" and unrecognizable without a password. I have been using the same account for a few years now. Great service. But like with many services, if an upload specifically matches an upload that has been deleted because of a copyright complaint, the system automatically recognizes and deletes it.
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