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Payments list with instructions was sent to reseller who making payments for us.

Soon (today) everybody will get money.

Thanks for using our service.
mate dont mark the requests as paid until the money actually been sent to us

Yes. That was my mistake.

Anyway, reseller told me that payments was done (only some payments via btc may be delay).

Thanks for working with us.

And for the future. If you want get payment fast, request it in Thursday. Several partners are smart enough after months cooperate with us and doing it in that way. But some part still request money on Saturday or Sunday and than sending a lot massages with questions like "When you will send me money?" etc.

So one more time. We doing payments on Fridays. Sometimes we have delay because we doing transfers via reseller (like several other hosts). However usually you getting payments at the latest on Saturday.

Another thing. As you probably most of you already knows when you have "pending" payment you can't request another one. If you will try do that you balance will be gone. It's script error and all imagehost using this script must working with this bug. I understand that someone may don't know about this error. But it's just sad to see that few person have this problem over and over again... Come on.
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Today, users do not see images. Always: "Illegal access to website", only direct links is work. Statistics today is frozen. Support does not answer.
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