IPad 2 Wifi (Or) IPad 2 Wifi + 3G ?

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About to Buy .. IPad 2 .. bt i am not familiar with Tablets... so want to know whats the Difference between IPad 2 Wifi Or IPad 2 Wifi + 3G ? And Price..

thank you!
Maybe iPad 2 Wifi & 3G cuz it's for all occasions.:D
But I recommend waiting iPad 3 announcement of which will be held March 7th and then have to decide to buy or wait.

Seriously... why buy now iPad2? ;) ipad 3 is about to be released as the others said... so i`m sure prices on the ipad 2 if you so insist gonna drop hardcore... so wait few more days and then decide.
Ya wait for the iPad 3 as it's only a few days away http://www.wjunction.com/14-news-current-events/132150-apple-announce-ipad-3-launch.html

iPhone 5 will be way later in the year.

Seriously... why buy now iPad2? ;) ipad 3 is about to be released as the others said... so i`m sure prices on the ipad 2 if you so insist gonna drop hardcore... so wait few more days and then decide.

thts why I Love WJunction :D.. i didnt knw tht IPhone 3 Commming :D i always ask WJunction Members befor buying something big !! ;) now i will wait for IPad 3 ..

I bought the Wifi version and really regretted not having 3G. When the iPad 3 comes out the price of contract iPad 2's will fall dramatically. Which is good!

Fuck iPad 3, its still iOS 5 and a product does not need refreshing every year, specially when software is moving a lot slower than hardware acceleration.
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