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Introducing - WJunction X
Hey there - welcome to WJunction X!
Welcome to our brand new responsive theme - WJunction X (X marking our 10th year anniversary). Given it's the year of our anniversary, we thought we'd bring introduce a much more major change - XenForo, that's right, you're no longer using that pesky old vBulletin! We spent months, literally months planning, designing and developing this new theme and the conversion.

As you can see, we've introduced a site-wide side-bar - we put much thought into this and decided it'd be great for our users to navigate through the site with much ease. Latest offers from companies and individual members can be found on the side bar along with recent threads/posts (no longer do you have to keep visiting the index).

Your feedback counts
We also listened to your past feedback in regards to the structure of the sections - we've gone back to how it used to be displayed.

A thank you..
Credit due where credit is due, we've always hired Dominic Elci of to design and develop most, if not all our skins. If you have a forum or starting a new project, give him a shout, he's simply the best.

If you notice any minor (or even major) issues- please do mention them below and we'll have them rectified as soon as possible!

We hope you enjoy WJunction X.

P.S. Oh, I forgot to mention - you must be thinking where on earth has the chatbox gone? It'll come!

With much love,
WJunction Administration, Staff & @Dominic.
Skin looks nice but I do feel it wastes a bit too much space on 1080p or higher resolutions. For example on the homepage the entire center of the page looks like an empty void: I have to actually turn my head to read the forum name and then read the title of the last thread (also username only shows after hovering over the avatar?). It's painful to navigate on a desktop widescreen monitor.

The forum and topic views are a lot better though. Other than that, CHATBOX AND OLD EMOTES OR RIOT :mad:. Heh. Or Discord if the CB isn't coming back.
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Looks good, except some things ... needed more work.
I also don't like column on the left.
Also miss subcategories shows in first page.
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