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This infinity skin looks modern and very 2.0 but it is too loose for my taste, lacks overview and misses a compact structure. It's great on mobile devices but not very much on a desktop. Any chance you enable the default vBulletin skin or even your previous skin as a style picker option?

If not, would you consider not having the top navigational bar stick on the page when scrolling down? Coupled with the large block of unused space between replies it makes the readable area of a thread very small.

Things to consider:
- have the like/thank you bits for a post stick to the post whereas now it is floating between replies
- intuitively I'm searching for the page navigator at the bottom of a thread and forum, but there isn't one anymore
- clicking the post number jumps you to the posts' location in a thread, but the top half of that post is covered by the sticky navigational bar
- "site news" , "community" , "hangout" links etc. need a larger offset; when clicked the title header is covered by the sticky navigational bar

Just some constructive criticism.

Added after 2 minutes:

In addition to my previous post I'd recommend a slightly different font. The lowercase " i " isn't particularly pleasuring to read for it lacks a dot and is too similar to the lowercase ' l '.

Added after 1:

PS: adding a reply to a thread where I'm the last poster already results in a database error message. Re-loading the page does correctly show my reply as edited text in the previous post though.
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