Interview with uploader , WTF ?! part 2 added

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Active Member
Hey guys ,
from a week someone kept pming me at W-bb saying that he is journalist for dowjones and he is making an article about uploading , and asked me some question about what i do , i answered him and 2day he sent me email saying that he would like to interview me for the article he is doing ???
could this be ture ?
i tried to google dowjones but isn't working so idk .
What do you think ?

Part 2 :

okay , see this everyone :


i think i will do that step , since he said he can mention only my real name not my name in warez also at my country they can't do anyshit to me
i go to the cinemas here with my cam and record movies without any problem :P
so , i think i will do the interview its THE WALL STREET JOURNAL !!
anyone wanna help me about if i can say the real sources and stuff or hide some shit ?

Note :
i googled his email there will lots of stories
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Why someone will interview you?in W-BB?when someone you don't know asks you what you do,you do not reply.or if you reply you just say you sell guns and hookers.
i think that thread was closed by a MOD.....anyways its very useless to write articles on uploading....its like encouraging piracy through his article.....i doubt if its true...
hahaahahaha... This is soo cooool :) haha... well, I would try, maybe you become a tv star after all :P

just kidding, don't do it ;)
Of course it might be true or it might be a newbie that want to get some valuable tips :)

Use a secure email w.e if you want to be interviewed.

Make him send you the questions and you'll give some nice answers.
@NightMare: I would suggest you to stay away from it. It could be a small trap for all you know. People know you as a big uploader so be careful. that's my advice to you. :)

Also if it looks like a new member report the same to the Staff and they will look into the matter.
lol , all are guessing that he is some newibe or so ?
he talked to me from a week asked 2 questions then i heared nothing from him
but now he want to interview me through phone (eventhough we are from differnt countries) this phone call only may cost him around 50-100$ , i don't think he is newibe .
lol , all are guessing that he is some newibe or so ?
he talked to me from a week asked 2 questions then i heared nothing from him
but now he want to interview me through phone (eventhough we are from differnt countries) this phone call only may cost him around 50-100$ , i don't think he is newibe .

phone call wont cost him more than $10.00 us he will use international calling card
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