- E3-1240 / 2 x E5-2670, 128GB RAM, 2Gbps/10Gbps (NL)

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my RDP is going to be expired on 16th of this month. Gimme a demo, if i'll like the speed, i'll buy it :) . I just want great rar speeds and upload to HF+FS
Ok, nice display speed. Nice Upload/download speed.
Please send me payment instructions (Alertpay)!


I have 2 questions:
1. only private torrent allowed?
2. can I install my own software?

1. Nope, public torrent is also allowed.
2. Yes, you can. You can't directly install yourself, but need to request us and we'll be more than happy to install it for free and won't take time to install that. We can't give you admin rights due to security purpose.

contact to me

please send demo

how much hard drive space per user ?
demo please

HDD is 500 GB per user.

Demo sent to you three.
1st of all, I want to tell you that I'm not 1st time use remote desktop, 2nd, the 2 speedtest is directly tested on your server, not on my own home. I have another picture that capture from your server.

Now you had admitted your server is not 1gbps but your thread writing 1gbps, so this is BIG scamming!

You really thought I admitted. It was a joke for you. If its 10 Mbps, how will you get 16 Mbps, just think of it.

Others who are buying and paying for it are not fools. They examine everything thoroughly and then buy.
Forget it. I already told I don't want to argue. Kindly edit your post and use SLIDE tags for that big image and kindly hide that IP part.

PROOF of 1 Gbps
1) You got 16 MB/s speeds you said, if its 100 Mbps or less , you would not get more than 100/8=12.5 MB/s , it proves it greater than 100 Mbps.
2) See the image below.
See this image I captured to show you its 1 Gbps or 1 Mbps.
You really thought I admitted. It was a joke for you. If its 10 Mbps, how will you get 16 Mbps, just think of it.

Others who are buying and paying for it are not fools. They examine everything thoroughly and then buy.
Forget it. I already told I don't want to argue. Kindly edit your post and use SLIDE tags for that big image and kindly hide that IP part.

PROOF of 1 Gbps
1) You got 16 MB/s speeds you said, if its 100 Mbps or less , you would not get more than 100/8=12.5 MB/s , it proves it greater than 100 Mbps.
2) See the image below.
See this image I captured to show you its 1 Gbps or 1 Mbps.

OMG! That just the hardware speed, even there write 1gbps, it doesn't mean your connection is 1gbps, you can check on your home pc.
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