- E3-1240 / 2 x E5-2670, 128GB RAM, 2Gbps/10Gbps (NL)

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If you want you can stay for we'll shift our servers to Leaseweb directly now. So that you both of us , we and our clients, get rid of this scamming stuff.
Sent out email with details.

We'll wait 12 hours further for Hostplate to respond, if not assume all data is lost. After that, it'll take another 12 hours maximum for us to deliver your RDA.
I am willing to wait another 6 hours for Leaseweb team to come online to confirm to me that Hostplate's issue has been solved. It'll be good for both, InstantRDP as well as its client, if Hostplate return back because everyone will get their RDA back instantly.

Whatever be the case, everyone will have access to a RDA (whether new or same) within 12 hours.
HostPlate has always been a valued LeaseWeb customer. Unfortunately, the services towards HostPlate are currently suspended due to non-technical issues. We have duly reminded HostPlate about the procedure to get their services back online. LeaseWeb will lend full cooperation to guide them through this. We kindly request you to contact HostPlate for further information.

The services with Hostplate are back online again.

Any further questions can be directed to hostplate.
Hi guys! This is TRUST AWESOME RDP witch i ordered!

I recommned to all use this RDP! Thanks for good price and fast support!
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