- E3-1240 / 2 x E5-2670, 128GB RAM, 2Gbps/10Gbps (NL)

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Do not post your ticket ID or anything else we will reply in the tickets as soon as possible this is a sales only thread.
Replying here does not make it fast .
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pankaj RDP are very fast and fastest support anytime using RDP since from last 7-8 months with no issue, and he also do for me AP to PP with no fees :O its hard to find a RDP and owner like him:)
I know this is a sales thread...but u guys have time to send mail...but no time to reply to support tickets...Also the mail says to take back up...when i cant login to my to take back up???...In that case you guys should have taken back up...If data loss will be compensate me..

Thank you
There is no problem in the RDP. It's not necessary... in my opinion.
Try scanning the servers if you feel there are malwares and so on.
@Pankaj:- Please check the ticket i sent you regarding the HDD thing..

View Ticket #150741

You provided me 100GB instead of 200GB. this is not fair.

Edit:- Yeah it has been sorted out and pankaj really did a great job in this.

Thanks Pankaj and InstantRDP.. You guys always rocks.. :)
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