- E3-1240 / 2 x E5-2670, 128GB RAM, 2Gbps/10Gbps (NL)

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I just login to your account and check in it is working fine

Yes confirm.

filezilla wrong i tried it for 10 hours, nothing.

After your advice I tried CuteFTP and it connected without problems

After your checking my rdp, now filezilla works, you've done?

Thanks, excelent support!!!
I was done already , and i suppose you were using wrong login details that is the result of IP ban

and next time open a ticket before replying in thread .
is possible to unrar in "store mode" ? how to?

I use the store-mode to create archives, but i can not unpack.


Arvendu already answered you.
It's during RAR when you select the mode but the UNRAR is done in the mode in which the file was RARed and it can't be changed.

So to answer, nothing can be selected during UNRAR.

in unpack u wont get any mode just normal mode u can get by default


Guys use the support ticket? You will get the quick response :)
Rather than replying here.

My fileserve problem is sorted, I pm to RICKYFS. He sorted the download problem I had in the weekend and yesterday :)

Any download problem with fileserve, pm to Ricky.
hello~~ boss
you close my ftp client ... and say me use 100% network ~~
before you close my ftp client .. I am open 3 ftp client 7 thread to upload (filesonic,wupload,filejungle)
filejungle<--- is it slow.. only 2MB/sec x 5 ...,
filesonic<------ very fast ~50MB/sec x1
wupload<------ also very fast ~50MB/sec x1
so I use the 100% network !

But .. this is not my wrong ... see pic ..
it is your server VERY VERY VERY VERY fast to upload for wupload and filesonic NOW(2011/11/23/ am07:21)
only 1 ftp client and only 1 thread ... it is 100% networks!!


so now ....... you also want close my ftp client ???.. cuz I also use 100% network!!!??
hello~~ boss
you close my ftp client ... and say me use 100% network ~~
before you close my ftp client .. I am open 3 ftp client 7 thread to upload (filesonic,wupload,filejungle)
filejungle<--- is it slow.. only 2MB/sec x 5 ...,
filesonic<------ very fast ~50MB/sec x1
wupload<------ also very fast ~50MB/sec x1
so I use the 100% network !

But .. this is not my wrong ... see pic ..
it is your server VERY VERY VERY VERY fast to upload for wupload and filesonic NOW(2011/11/23/ am07:21)
only 1 ftp client and only 1 thread ... it is 100% networks!!


so now ....... you also want close my ftp client ???.. cuz I also use 100% network!!!??

Ok it is fine now as you were running 3 filezilla i thought all filezilla are using full network that is the reason i have to close , but no worries if one filezilla is using it .
^^I do not care about close ftp by admin. I just want say I didnot over use networks ...
next time.. if server upload very very fast... I will colse filezilla ..
upload speed fast also isn't good... haha...
InstantRDP .. real very good !!
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