Installing Remote Desktop on a Linux VPS With Ubuntu 9

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Active Member
This tutorial is for Ubuntu 9 32bit
This tutorial was created and tested for VPS from KnowInServers...

Requirements :


Step 1 :

Connect to your vps/server with putty :


After entering your IP adress click on Open... After that you'll get this window :


There enter root and hit Enter... After that you'll have to write your vps/server password and then hit Enter again...

Step 2 :

Now you have to install ubuntu desktop... That you can do with the following command :

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

This process will take around 15 minutes...

Step 3 :

After ubuntu desktop installation you need to install vnc server... Command for that is :

sudo apt-get install -y vnc4server xinetd

After installation of vnc server you can start vnc server with this command :

vncserver :1

When you do that you'll need to enter password for that vnc server that you are gonna use it to connect to vps with TightVNC
Now kill the vnc session with this command :

vncserver -kill :1

Step 4 :

Now we have to install nano... Command for that is :

sudo apt-get install nano

Step 5 :

Now we need to edit xstartup file... We can do it with this command :

nano ~/.vnc/xstartup

When you do that nano will opet that xstartup file and in that file you'll have this :

Now you need to replace

twm &

with this :

gnome-session &

As you can see i already did that...

Now you need to save that what you do... Press Ctrl + O to save and then Ctrl + X to exit nano...

Step 6 :

Start VNC server with this command :

vncserver :1

Step 7 :

Connect to vps/server with TightVNC...


After you enter IP address hit connect... Then you will be prompted to enter password to access your server... Use password that you defined in Step 3...

Enjoy! :)

NOTiCE : This also works with Ubuntu 10.4-32 Bits
When I first connect to vnc I get 3 error popups saying
The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet".
The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_ClockApplet".
The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet".
All 3 ask if I want to delete but I selected no. I can't run any programs
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