Index of various Bash Script Threads contributed by Eddie Johnson

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Peter South

Active Member
I'm starting to post new threads every other day on WJunction containing Bash Scripts for various processes useful to uploaders who operate within a Ubuntu Linux 12.04LTS and newer environment.

To help keep these organized I'm making this thread where I will keep these threads indexed for everyone to be able to find them.

Image Host Upload Scripts:

File Host Upload Scripts:

Other Useful Scripts & Tools:

Currently under development:
  • Keep2Share Bash Upload Script
    On hold as their current v1 beta API is non-functional.

  • SecureUpload Bash Upload Script
    Cancelled because this host cancelled my account for no reason, but kept the files online, scumbags!
    They may have had an issue and emailed me on it but I didnt receive it, I did kindly help this host three times in the past with fixing their email so that users of GMail could receive their emails. So who knows, either way they're blacklisted now with me.

  • UltraMegabit Bash Upload Script
    On hold pending their rebuilding of infrastructure. I do have a script written that is 100% functional as of 10/24/2013 but I am not sharing it because they're API and infrastructure is soon to change and the script will no longer function at that time. Once they're done I'll release version 2.0 publicly of this script.

  • Upstore Bash Upload Script
    Pending a new API, had some personal issues with this file host that have since been worked out. Their old API from about a year ago was removed as they invested heavily into a rock solid infrastructure, when they make a new API I'll be very quick to write a script based on it!
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Here are pastebin links to the source code for linux bash upload scripts which I wrote in the last 24 hours. They will upload all files into a directory into FileBoom/Keep2Share/Publish2me. After the uploads finish raw bbcode is echo'd into an SSH terminal that can be copy/pasted directly into a forum or blog site.

FileBoom: [Bash] -
Keep2Share: [Bash] -
Publish2Me: [Bash] -

Added after 4 minutes:

Another one I wrote a few days ago:
FileOM: [Bash] -

Added after 9 minutes:

I wrote a couple bash upload scripts for ShareFlare/Letitbit that work pretty well.

However I can't affiliate with this host because they do cap the upload speeds for all users (premium and free) to only 1Mbps which is unacceptably slow. But maybe in the future they will get their act together and provide a way for people to actually upload to them that doesn't run on 20th century internet speeds. They also have a non functional payment processor that declined my bank card for fraud, trust me I spend a lot of money on the internet and I can't remember when any of my credit/debit cards have been declined by a payment processor...

Anyways, here's the code:

[Bash] -
Letitbit: [Bash] -
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