- Earn Up To 6$ / 1000 Views + 5% referral. PP-PZ-WMZ

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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Hi All [/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]We have completed All pending wmz and paypal - Payza Payment. [/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Regards [/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Hi All [/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]We have completed All pending wmz and paypal - Payza Payment. [/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Regards [/FONT]

Sorry guys. one bad news. our servers are suspended due to someone uploaded child porn on our site and server provider did not gave any chance to remove that images.

We are Dead now. We will try to come back in near future.

Thank you for support for more then 1 year.


Sorry guys. one bad news. our servers are suspended due to someone uploaded child porn on our site and server provider did not gave any chance to remove that images.

We are Dead now. We will try to come back in near future.

Thank you for support for more then 1 year.


Really good imagehost and paid in time - long time work together
Hope you can restore imagehost from backup
My username in imagehost - brownjone
And how about requested payment - last as I remember was state PENDING and I want request yet payment
Can you pay my requested payment and balance on current time which I want request - enough for request payment as I remember ?
Kenneth Murphy,

We have received the following complaint. As a result we have suspended your service.
Abuse Notice Sender Information
From: \"\"
Sender\'s replyto:
Subject: IWF report TJ-1210116
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 14:24:51 +0000


IWF serial number:
Reason code: CSAI

Referenced URL:

IP Address:
Date/time Assessed: 22/12/2016 10:41:53


Please treat this communication as a notification regarding the above-referenced URL(s) which we have determined depicts material that is potentially criminal under UK Law, namely The Protection of Children Act 1978, ie, indecent image(s) of a child under the age of 18.

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) works with The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in the United States, to combat the availability of apparent child pornography online. The IWF has downloaded a copy of the above-referenced material and alerted NCMEC of the details.

If any apparent unlawful content is within your control, you should act expeditiously to remove or to disable access to the information, as required by law. Under 18 USC 2258A, you may be required to report the related facts or circumstances of the above-referenced material to the NCMEC CyberTipline as soon as reasonably possible.

For more information regarding the CyberTipline and how to report to NCMEC please visit NCMEC information for ESPs on CyberTipline - NCMEC

The IWF is the UK\'s internet \'Hotline\' for the public and IT professionals to report child sexual abuse content hosted anywhere in the world and criminally obscene and non-photographic child sexual abuse content hosted in the UK. The IWF works in partnership with the online industry, law enforcement, government, the education sector, charities, international partners and the public to assist UK service providers to combat the abuse of their systems by operating a \'notice and take down\' service to alert hosting service providers of criminal content within the IWF remit believed to be found on their servers.

Reports made to the IWF in line with its procedures will be accepted as a report to a relevant authority by virtue of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Crown Prosecution Service and the Association of Chief Police Officers concerning Section 46 Sexual Offences Act 2003. This MoU also acknowledges that those professionally involved in the management, operation or use of electronic communications networks and services need to be reassured of protection where they are acting to combat the creation and distribution of images of child abuse.

Please confirm that you have received this notification and are taking action to remove the above-referenced content.


Internet Content Analyst
Internet Watch Foundation

Telephone: (+44) 1223 203030
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Really good imagehost and paid in time - long time work together
All requested paymnets paid - thanks
But exist not yes requested balance - what with him ?
May be you can restore imagehost from backup without images - we can upload new images from New Year - no problem
I think another user upload images also - because your imagehost stable and we trust you
We don't want lost your imagehost
What you think ?
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Hi Friends

We will be come back with New Site Soon........

Please Do not upload Child porn. Its Humble Request. There is many way to Earn other then Child Porn.

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