How You Deal With Adblock Users ??? And What Is Payment Day ???
onno create WebMoney payment method and I will work for you
Payment received very fast
Each day costs me less visits, it was noted when copper for the first time that the visits had me less, and so I climbed off and no images ..
Added after 2 Days 17 Hours:
The owner connects and does not answer me, and I tried it again, you do not have many visits
Friend you know which is my own, not to hang out with so many rodeos, from when I said the problem and have not tried anything to fix it, is more, is getting worse, my [FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]user name[/FONT] is: themyc
As here in the forum, you must even bothering to get me well before asking, besides that already knew.
Fine imagehost but not exist Webmoney or Skrill payment
Now almost all imagehosts have paymnens by Webmoney and Skrill
Paypal not good now - big rates comission in not many countries exist Paypal
When you add Webmoney or Skrill by time for request payment ?
Webmoney and skrill now added. Please check.
But webmoney payment not instant as you do like paypal. Sorry for this.
Thank you.