- Earn Upto $6, 5% Referrals, Daily Payout, WMZ, SK, PP

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Earn up to $6.00/1000 views.


  1. pay up to $6.00 for each 1000 image views.
  2. Minimum payment only $5.00.
  3. pay 5% earnings of your each referral for lifetime.
  4. Allow Adult Content. (No *********)
  5. No hidden rules to hold your payments.
  6. Images of any size qualify to earn revenue.
  7. People All Over World qualify for earning program.
  8. No Shaving


  • Unique IP is counted once per 24 hours.
  • Child pornography, bestiality, scat, zoophilia, jailbait or gore contents are strictly prohibited. Uploading of such contents will result in permanent ban of your account and all earnings will be canceled without any notification.
  • Sending traffic from Shorturl websites is forbidden.
  • Using Bots, Proxys, Autosurfers, iframes, autoclickers, PTC and e-mail traffic will result in permanent ban of your account and all earnings will be canceled without any notification.
  • pay every day.
  • Your images are stored indefinitely.

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This is our official thread now.

18+ (No Child) have no problem. But below 18+ (Child porn) your account get banned and all earning will be canceled without any notification.

Thank you.
[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TR="class: hdr"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: hdr"]

Please PM me your user name.

Thank you.

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TR="class: hdr"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: hdr"]

Added after 2 Days 5 Hours:

Payment sent:

Last edited:
Payments history
Date Amount Status
2016-11-26 $8.76 PENDING

about 3 weeks state payment - pending (situation how had user hefajstos )

request by Webmoney
before you paid fine

Username - valeasxx

Please pay my request paymnet
Hi,We sorry for this delay. Some of payment are mistakenly set the status paid. That's why it took time. It will be solve soon.
Payments historyDate Amount Status2016-11-26 $8.76 PENDINGabout 3 weeks state payment - pending (situation how had user hefajstos )request by Webmoneybefore you paid fineUsername - valeasxxPlease pay my request paymnet
Hi,We sorry for this delay. Some of payment are mistakenly set the status paid. That's why it took time. It will be solve soon.
Payments historyDate Amount Status2016-11-26 $8.76 PENDINGabout 3 weeks state payment - pending (situation how had user hefajstos )request by Webmoneybefore you paid fineUsername - valeasxxPlease pay my request paymnet

Thanks for answer
Status of my requested paymnet - PENDING not PAID

I want request next payment but can't because first requested payment not paid
Time delay requested payment about month

So when you can pay my request examply ?

If you want vai paypal, I can now, for webmoney its took time. Sorry for this.

Hi,We sorry for this delay. Some of payment are mistakenly set the status paid. That's why it took time. It will be solve soon.

Thanks for answer
Status of my requested paymnet - PENDING not PAID

I want request next payment but can't because first requested payment not paid
Time delay requested payment about month

So when you can pay my request examply ?

If you want vai paypal, I can now, for webmoney its took time. Sorry for this.

Thanks for answer
Status of my requested paymnet - PENDING not PAID

I want request next payment but can't because first requested payment not paid
Time delay requested payment about month

So when you can pay my request examply ?

I can't request via Paypal - not exist in my country - so wait for pay via Webmoney
Thanks for answer

If you want vai paypal, I can now, for webmoney its took time. Sorry for this.

I can't request via Paypal - not exist in my country - so wait for pay via Webmoney
Thanks for answer

I wrote before 23.12.2016 - state payment not change - PENDING
Before you paid me without problem

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: hdr"]

I requested by Webmoney - when you can pay me - may be time
I want request next payment - but can't - because previous request not paid
Really good imagehost
Answer me please
Last edited:
I can't request via Paypal - not exist in my country - so wait for pay via Webmoney
Thanks for answer

I wrote before 23.12.2016 - state payment not change - PENDING
Before you paid me without problem

[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: hdr"]
I requested by Webmoney - when you can pay me - may be time
I want request next payment - but can't - because previous request not paid
Really good imagehost
Answer me please

username - valeasxx
No aswer long time - please answer
also sent in PM - but also no answer
Don't know continue work with your imagehost or not ?
Last edited:

Sorry for delay reply. We just solve some big issue.

1. Now ImgZen infrastructure now build on Amazon Cloud like S3 and Cloudfront.
2. Webmoney payment issue will be solved from 15th March and PayPal payment will be sent these week. From 15th March it will regular.

Payment sent:


Added after 13 Hours 34 minutes:

Payment sent:


Added after 3 minutes:

Payment sent:
Last edited:

Sorry for delay reply. We just solve some big issue.

1. Now ImgZen infrastructure now build on Amazon Cloud like S3 and Cloudfront.
2. Webmoney payment issue will be solved from 15th March and PayPal payment will be sent these week. From 15th March it will regular.



You wrote :
Sorry for delay. 15th march your payment will be sent.

Today 21th march but state pending

Hope need some time for regular payments by Webmoney
Wait for answer

Paypal is instant now. But still webmoney we are facing problem.

Try to solve it soon.



Sorry for delay reply. We just solve some big issue.

1. Now ImgZen infrastructure now build on Amazon Cloud like S3 and Cloudfront.
2. Webmoney payment issue will be solved from 15th March and PayPal payment will be sent these week. From 15th March it will regular.



You wrote :
Sorry for delay. 15th march your payment will be sent.

Today 21th march but state pending

Hope need some time for regular payments by Webmoney
Wait for answer

Added after 8 minutes:


Last edited:

Paypal is instant now. But still webmoney we are facing problem.

Try to solve it soon.


I'm waiting from 2016-11-26 PENDING and all time problem with Webmoney - before I got payment by Webmonbey

I see exist Skrill. How change my requested payment send to Skrill ?

Paypal not good for me

So wait webmoney - about 4 months waited or you can send to Skrill -

Please tell what can you do?
you DON'T pay daily

Your claim that you pay daily is total bullcrap.[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
[TR="class: hdr, bgcolor: #F5F5F5"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Payments history[/TD]
[TR="class: hdr, bgcolor: #F5F5F5"]
My 1st payment request took 2 MONTHS to be paid and my current payout request is already 9 days old and still in "pending" status.

Paypal is instant now. But still webmoney we are facing problem.

Try to solve it soon.


I'm waiting from 2016-11-26 PENDING and all time problem with Webmoney - before I got payment by Webmonbey

I see exist Skrill. How change my requested payment send to Skrill ?

Paypal not good for me

So wait webmoney - about 4 months waited or you can send to Skrill -

Please tell what can you do?

Asked few days ago but no answer

If long wait for Webmoney sending and only Paypal - how send my requested payment by Webmoney with state PENDING for change to sent throw Paypal - because now state PENDING and return to balance for request again button not exist

so long wait for pay by Webmoney

Wait for answer
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