ImgWet - Get paid up to 8.00$/1000 UV - Min-Payout only 0.20$ - Paypal, Payza and Skr

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I did not get my payment? I requested it in 2015-03-31. when will you pay?

My username is: jack713098

Added after 1 Day 6 Hours:

Thanks, get the payment.
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Hey, My payment is awaiting since 26 March. More important than that all my statics reset to zero. What's going on? Can you explain this please?
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Weird, nobody write here since i did last time. Thanks for all ongoing payments.

I have also two questions:

Did you delete some of old pictures from database?

Did you change prices/rates? Bcoz my incomings getting lowered about %40-50 percent even i if do the same work.
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Im sure they are shaving traffic, I been testing most of these image hosting sites, they have been lying on rates and traffic counts
Hey thanks for payment. Also please check your site, bcoz i getting "Couldn't make connection." error very often while logging or entering the site. I guess something wrong with Database.

Added after 2 Days 15 Hours:

Hey thanks for payment. Also please check your site, bcoz i getting "Couldn't make connection." error very often while logging or entering the site. I guess something wrong with Database.

Also i getting this error screen after image upload:


Again, please check your site.
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What happens with payments?
Waiting for my first payment ... I Requested it in 2015-07-13 23:09:28 and still pending....
I have started just to see how will be with payments, but seems that the payments are not daily or is it just with the first payment because you need a few days to verify traffic?

user: harmony83

Thank you
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When we will get payments or this host turning into scam too?

Added after 5 Days 18 Hours:

When we will get payments or this host turning into scam too?

I correct my words, they have been issues with Paypal for a while and i got payment now. Thanks.
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