ImgWet - Get paid up to 8.00$/1000 UV - Min-Payout only 0.20$ - Paypal, Payza and Skr

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@ imgwet, do you still pay daily?
or every sunday?

u must update to us if u have your terms changed, so we will understand the condition
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payment pending...
username : p0ndy

I will check into system about your id information and update my this post as quickly as possible regarding information.

@ imgwet, do you still pay daily?
or every sunday?

u must update to us if u have your terms changed, so we will understand the condition

We are still paying on normal days too
,but due to other projects we are making slow payments and soon we will update the payment policy regarding minimum Payout,Payment processors and Payment days.


Added after 1 Day:

I have checked your payment request details and its showing you requested your payment by payza.We are currently having problem with payza,so if you want to request your payment by any other payment processor than Pm me so we can pay you as early as possible.

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I am using this Network to host my images currently requested a payout and waiting for 2 days contacted the managers and no response is this normal?
if you can, then please remove the "RE-CAPTCHA" when signing in, its really annoying and also its wastes time... i can handle signing in everytime i visit your website, but not this...
also all the other hosts have Australia and Canada in their tier 1.. please consider putting these two countries in tier 1... if you do, then i think more people will try your host...
payment receive 2 time , waiting since tomorrow to receive 3rd time payment.

Added after 1 Day 2 Hours:

are you going to pay us or not. ? waiting for payment since 2days no reply from ticket support
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